Six feature films selected for the Fund’s Nordic Distribution Boost Lab in Helsinki 2-4 April
Six feature films selected for the Fund’s Nordic Distribution Boost Lab in Helsinki 2-4 April
Project Manager
Ann-Sophie W. Birkenes
Seven projects were selected to take part in Nordic distribution lab April 16-18 2018.
Project Manager
Ann-Sophie W. Birkenes
Petri Kemppinen
+47 64 00 60 81
Project Manager
Valeria Richter
Project Manager - applications
Ann-Sophie W. Birkenes
+47 64 00 60 80
Genre: Psychological horror. Production company: FilmBros AS / Elation Pictures
Petri Kemppinen
T +47 64 00 60 81
Project Manager
Valeria Richter
Project Manager - applications
Ann-Sophie W. Birkenes
Genre: Fantasy. Production company: Yesbox Productions.
In 2014 Nordisk Film & TV Fond launched a trial period of four new and innovative distribution support schemes with an extra budget of more than NOK 3.5m which ran out 2016. The number of grants were in total for:
2014: 8 projects of a total of NOK 964,500.
2015: 6 projects of a total of NOK 508,000.
2016: 8 projects of a total of NOK 336,750.
Based on the experiences some of the new schemes were in 2017 implemented into the regular distribution support program.
Children experience and consume content on multiple platforms, often several at once. The Fund wanted to ensure the availability of Nordic content for this target group, in cinemas and on TV as well as on other platforms. Accordingly, the vision with High Five Cross Media Content For Kids was to create the best possible foundation for the production of quality transmedia content for Nordic children. The primary media were film and/or TV, but supported projects should also develop content for other platforms (games, mobile phones, online, books, etc.).
The vision for High Five Cross Media Content For Kids was to create cross-media quality content for Nordic children. The primary media were film and/or television, but the supported projects were also required to develop content for other platforms (games, mobile phones, iPads, online, etc.).
High Five Kids was launched during BUFF:ff and the Nordic Game Conference in 2010. The application deadline was 6 September. The Fund received 38 applications, testifying to the relevance of the initiative’s content and timing. A Nordic editorial group reviewed the applications and seven projects were selected, ranging widely in terms of content, genres and form as well as in terms of target groups, platforms and country of production.
High Five International Cinema Distribution Support was a subsidy scheme under which international distributors could apply to the Fund for partial coverage of marketing costs relating to the theatrical premieres of Nordic films in their home countries (outside the Nordic region).
The vision of the High Five Toronto initiative was to highlight 13 upcoming high quality Nordic films and to strengthen the international distribution possibilities for another 13 completed Nordic films (selected for The Toronto International Film Festival) through an extraordinary and new international cinema distribution support.
Nordisk Film & TV Fond's CEO
Petri Kemppinen