Nordisk Film & TV Fond is a pan-Nordic fund whose objective is to promote the Nordic audiovisual industry through support schemes and initiatives.

The Fund supports Nordic audiovisual productions (feature films, creative documentaries and drama series) of high quality by providing funding in the form of top financing, in the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). We also support dubbing and distribution of films, and industry initiatives of professional Nordic importance.

Nordisk Film & TV Fond was established in 1990 and is based in Oslo, Norway. The Fund is governed by its board, which is appointed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Liselott Forsman is the CEO. Our team consist of seven employees.

The budget for 2024 is approximately NOK 130 million, received from 20 parties; The Nordic Council of Ministers, 5 national film centres/foundations/institutes and 14 public service and private media companies/streaming services within the region.

We are the secretariat to the Nordic Council Film Prize, co-organize the Nordic Series Awards and host the annual events Nordic Talents and Nordic Script.

To read the Fund's vision: CLICK HERE.

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