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The Norwegian Opera & Ballet / PHOTO: Arsene M. Øvrejorde, Unsplash

Nordic Council Prize Award Ceremony 2023 in Oslo

The winners of the Nordic Council Film Prize will be announced in Oslo on October 31.

The Norwegian Opera and Ballet in Oslo will host the award ceremony for the Nordic Council prizes for 2023. Five prizes will be awarded in the fields of the environment, music, film, literature, and children and young people’s literature.

A total of 54 works, initiatives, and artists from all the Nordic countries have been nominated for the Nordic Council prizes for 2023. Among the six feature films nominated this year is the first ever film entry from Greenland.

The President of the Nordic Council, Jorodd Asphjell celebrates the ceremony: “First and foremost, the evening will pay tribute to all the nominees and their works, but it will also be a grand celebration of the Nordic cultural community. This close collaboration in music, film, literature, and the environment is a significant contribution to our common identity”, Asphjell said.

The ceremony will be broadcast live at 19:30 (CET) on via, and with a 30-minutes delay at NRK2 in Norway.

The programme will be led by actor Kåre Conradi and musician Ingrid Bjørnov, two beloved personalities from the Norwegian cultural scene. The Nordic Council Film Prize and the Nordlys statuette will be awarded on stage by actor Maria Bonnevie (Another Round, Becoming Astrid). The winners will receive the prize of DKK 300,000, equally shared between the director, the writer, and the producer.

In 2022 the winner of the film prize was the Icelandic Lamb, by director and screenwriter Valdimar Jóhannsson, screenwriter Sjón, and producers Hrönn Kristinsdóttir and Sara Nassim.

The nominated feature films for the Nordic Council Film Prize 2023 are:

Denmark: Empire (Viften)

Director: Frederikke Aspöck
Anna Neye
Pernille Munk Skydsgaard, Nina Leidersdorff and Meta Louise Foldager Sørensen.

Finland: Bubble (Kupla)

Director: Aleksi Salmenperä
Writers: Reeta Ruotsalainen and Aleksi Salmenperä
Producer: Minna Haapkylä

Greenland: The Edge of the Shadows (Alanngut Killinganni)

Director and writer: Malik Kleist
Producer: Nina Paninnguaq Skydsbjerg

Iceland: Driving Mum (Á ferð með mömmu)

Director and writer: Hilmar Oddsson
Hlín Jóhannesdóttir

Norway: War Sailor (Krigsseileren)

Director and writer: Gunnar Vikene
Producer: Maria Ekerhovd

Sweden: Opponent (Motståndaren)

Director and writer:
Milad Alami
Producer: Annika Rogell

To read more about the award ceremony on the Nordic Council’s webpage, CLICK HERE.