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A Taste Of Hunger, Smagen af sult / PHOTO: Henrik Ohsten

TrustNordisk inks raft of sales on A Taste of Hunger, Riders of Justice

Magnolia Pictures in the US is among several buyers that have snapped the two Zentropa productions, backed by Nordisk Film & TV Fond.

Christoffer Boe’s film A Taste of Hunger is set to open in Denmark February 25, 2021.

Besides Magnolia Pictures, distributors that have just pre-bought the film include Koch Films (Germany), Adso Films (Spain), Synapse (Brazil) and Rosebud (Greece).

Earlier deals were closed with Capella Film (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), Vertigo Media (Hungary), (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia), CatchPlay (Taiwan) and Cinemania Group (Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia).

The romantic comedy was co-written by Boe with Tobias Lindholm.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and upcoming talent Katrine Greis-Rosenthal play restaurant owners Carsten and Maggie who are willing to sacrifice everything to win the coveted Michelin star. In their chase after the ultimate culinary recognition, they forget that the best meals in life are shared together.

TrustNordisk’s other hot property is Thomas Anders Jensen’s crime comedy and box office hit Riders of Justice. On top of Magnolia Pictures who acquired it for its genre strand Magnet Releasing, the film was sold to France (SND-Groupe M6), the UK (Vertigo Releasing), Switzerland (Ascot Elite), Australia and New Zealand (Rialto), Japan (Klockworx) and Brazil (Synapse).  


TrustNordisk inks raft of sales on A Taste of Hunger, Riders of Justice

Riders Of Justice / PHOTO: Rolf Konow

The revenge thriller comedy starring Mads Mikkelsen is the latest smash hit for Zentropa and Nordisk Film after Thomas Vinterberg’s Another Round (797,267 admissions).

Riders of Justice has sold 407,785 tickets in three weeks and was still number one at the Danish charts last weekend.

TrustNordisk’s managing director Susan Wendt said: 'We are thrilled that the film is experiencing this level of success, especially in the light of the current pandemic raging worldwide.”

Read our interview with Anders Thomas Jensen.


TrustNordisk inks raft of sales on A Taste of Hunger, Riders of Justice

Riders Of Justice, Anders Thomas Jensen / PHOTO: Anders Overgaard