The national juries are led by Heidi Hilarius-Kalkau Philipsen (DK), Marjo Pipinen (FI), Jóna Finnsdóttir (IS), Anne Gjelsvik (NO), and Jonas Holmberg (SE).
The Nordic Council of Ministers appoint the jurymembers on basis of proposals from the national Ministries of Culture. The national evaluation committees consist of two regular members and a chairperson.
The national chairpersons form the Nordic jury. A jury member from Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Åland Islands, and/or the Sami language area joins if/when a film from the respective territory is eligble for nomination.
The jury members who have committed to a four-year assignment (from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2028) are:
A Nordic documentary or a Nordic feature film premering in national cinemas between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025 is qualified for the Nordic Council Film Prize 2025. To the statutes for the Film Prize: CLICK HERE.
Nordisk Film & TV Fond is responsible for the administration of the prize.