The mainstream-oriented film is based on a script co-written by A Piece of My Heart’s writer Lars Vasa Johansson, director Edward af Sillén and actor David Hellenius. The trio took inspiration from the Norwegian box office hit Børning.

The Final Race is a tribute to the car action comedy,” said Stefan H. Lindén, producer at SF Studios. “With Edward as director, fantastic actors, great stunt scenes and an incredibly entertaining screenplay, I feel that we have the best of the conditions to create an unforgettable film experience for the cinema audience.”

Principal photography starts this week in Western Sweden and continues in Norrbotten. The car action scenes will be shot in Sweden with an international stunt and VFX team.
The film is co-produced by C More/TV4, Film i Väst, Filmpool Nord and support from the Swedish Film Institute. The domestic theatrical premiere is set for December 25, 2023.

The film will be joining the large slate of SF Studios films represented in Cannes by REinvent, including the Danish youth film Pretty Young Thing by Tilde Harkamp screening at the market, and upcoming prestigious period drama Burn All My Letters by Björn Runge.