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Nordic Green / PHOTO: NFTVF, Yellow1

Nordisk Film & TV Fond Nordic Green theme year closes with expanded collaborations for 2024

A broadcaster pledge, support to a Nordic Sustainability Manager training course, and the Fund’s Nordic Green Database are some of the initiatives set in motion in 2023.

Next to Nordisk Film & TV Fond’s core top-financing mandate the Fund’s mission is to instigate and promote pan-Nordic initiatives to strengthen the Nordic audiovisual industry.

Alongside the annual Nordic Talents and Nordic Script, the Fund’s theme years have summoned the industry around important issues since 2021. And in 2023, the Fund set its focus on pan-Nordic green strategies.

Nordisk Film & TV Fond’s ‘Green Year’ kick-started in February at the last Berlinale, where the Fund hosted the closed-door ‘Nordic Green Summit’, in conjunction with the Nordic Film Commissions (NFC). At a time when carbon footprint from runaway productions urgently needs to be discussed, the Fund felt the Nordic film commissions’ network was the right partner to team up with, alongside Nordic producers’ organisations and the Fund’s partners.

The Nordic Green Summit closed with the setting up of a Nordic Green Action Group.

The group consisting of key-decision makers and green experts from Nordic film institutes, the NFC, public and private broadcasters and production company associations, met digitally all through 2023, before attending a finishing green workshop in Oslo, chaired by Nordisk Film & TV Fond CEO Liselott Forsman.


Nordisk Film & TV Fond Nordic Green theme year closes with expanded collaborations for 2024

Nordic Green Action Group / PHOTO: NFTVF

In Oslo the delegates from all Nordic countries agreed to continue their pan-Nordic coordination and collaboration on pledges, measurements, training, data collection and other common challenges. Among the core objectives of the Action Group is to implement a Nordic green transition that is doable and as inclusive as possible for the whole industry.

In addition to initiating and co-organising green Nordic sessions in 2023, Nordisk Film & TV Fond has this fall set up its Nordic Green Database - CLICK HERE - powered by the Fund’s web editor Mathias K Ferre. The database will provide information on rules and demands in the Nordic region and within EU, information on handbooks, tools, education possibilities and offer inspiring case studies.

Further useful data about sustainability plans from Nordic co-producers, will be collected via the Fund’s new application system, set to open on January 3, 2024.

As part of the sharing of data and Nordic networking, the Fund is discussing a partnership with the University of Southern Denmark around the university’s three-year sustainability programme on media processes, also from the point of view of storytelling.

Nordisk Film & TV Fond is also currently working on a Green Pledge with the Fund’s public and private broadcasting partners.

One of the green initiatives the Fund has co-financed in 2023 is the Nordic Sustainability Manager Training Course, initiated by the Nordic film institutes, in collaboration with film schools. The training programme tailored on the Stuttgart Hdm course, consists of 180 hours of online and on-site learning modules, so that participants can help Nordic institutions and production companies achieve the transition towards a sustainable audiovisual industry.

In 2024, the Fund will inaugurate a new theme, but sustainability and green transition will continue as prime focus points.

Watch out this space for empowering green actions in the new year!