The event Swedish crime series Cry Wolf (Vargasommar) based on Hans Rosenfeldt’s first solo novel, is being commissioned by C More and TV4.

US group Endeavor Content, which is shareholder in the newly-formed Nordic Drama Queens, is co-financing the six-part series, and handling sales.

Rosenfeldt has written the screen makeover with his writing partner from The Bridge (Broen), Camilla Ahlgren.

Speaking about the high-end series, Nordic Drama Queens’ co-founder Josefine Tengblad said: “We love the project! I got to read the book when I was working as Head of Drama at TV4/ C More before it was published, and directly felt that this could be an amazing series. I’ve worked with Hans and Camilla before and since then, I have longed to work with them again. This is the first collaboration of this kind between TV4/ C More and Endeavor Content and we couldn’t have a better setup for this project!”

Piodor Gustafsson, Nordic Drama Director for TV4 Media and C More added: “We are very happy to work with the super team Hans and Camilla on this script. It feels reassuring that Nordic Drama Queens will be responsible for the production. Josefine has followed the project from the start, which guarantees that we can maintain high quality all the way. It's extra fun that Endeavor Content in L.A. has been our financial partner since the beginning. With them behind us, we can raise the series to the level that the book and the script deserve,” he noted.

Cry Wolf (Vargasommar) follows the crime investigation of Hannah Wester, a middle-aged policewoman in the Swedish remote northern town of Haparanda, on the border with Finland.

When human remains are found in the stomach of a dead wolf, Wester knows that the summer won’t be like any other. The remains can soon be linked to a bloody drug deal across the border in Finland. But how did the victim end up in the forest outside of Haparanda? And where have the drugs and money gone? Suddenly, the small border town becomes the site of a chain of brutal events, never before experienced by Hannah and Haparanda’s police squad.

Asked in what way the film will be a new take on the Nordic noir, Tengblad said: “The characters drive the story forward. It is an ensemble drama, mainly about six people living in a smaller town in the northern parts of Sweden. The series describe us, as human beings, showing our strongest and weakest sides. The series has a unique tone combining hardcore action with strong, emotional scenes.”

The fully-financed series is produced by Tengblad and Eiffel Mattsson, with TV4 and C More’s Sonja Hermele serving as executive producer. Filming is scheduled to start in 2023.

Based in Stockholm and Copenhagen, Nordic Drama Queens was set up last year by Tengblad, together with Sandra Harms, former MD and producer at Miso Films Sweden, and Line Winther Skyum Funch, executive producer and founder of WISK. They were joined earlier this year by producer Eiffel Mattsson, formerly at Yellow Bird. The company’s strategy is to develop and produce premium drama content from established and untapped voices with an international imprint.