The new podcast on Nordic films and series opens with engaging dialogues with two Nordic directors competing in Cannes.

The series will feature in-depth interviews with directors, writers, producers, and other key creatives working across all genres of film and TV series, from all the Nordic countries. London-based Wendy Mitchell is hosting the podcast and Denmark-based journalist Karoline Balstrom serves as audio producer.

In 2024, ten podcast episodes will be produced. Alongside the podcasts, Nordisk Film and TV Fond news will publish Mitchell’s parallel short articles that cover some of the themes discussed in the talks and introduces others as an inspirational door to the podcasts. Each article will link to the podcasts.

The podcast series launches with two episodes, tied to the Cannes Film Festival 2024. The first episode is an in-depth talk with Swedish-born, Poland-based writer and director Magnus von Horn, who launches his third feature The Girl With The Needle (Pigen med nålen) in Cannes Competition. The second one is a dialogue between Mitchell and Icelandic writer-director Runar Runarsson on his films and working methods. Runarsson’s fourth feature When The Light Breaks (Ljusbrót) premieres as the opening selection of Cannes Un Certain Regard.

Wendy Mitchell is a well-known journalist, host and moderator at events such as Cannes Marché, Berlinale and BAFTA season. She is the former Editor and current Contributing Editor of Screen International, specializing in films from the Nordic countries. She also serves as the Nordic and UK delegate for the San Sebastian International Film Festival and as the producer of the Sundance Film Festival: London.

Her writing credits include Variety, The Guardian, Cineuropa, The Wall Street Journal, IndieWire and Sight & Sound. Additionally, she has authored books such as Citizen Canine: Dogs in the Movies (2020) and Iceland on Screen (2022).

Wendy Mitchell says she is excited to launch Nordic Film Talks, with the aim to provide filmmakers with a platform for longer discussions about their films and working methods.

“I care deeply about Nordic filmmaking and relish the opportunity to give the filmmakers and other creatives the chance to talk about their work in a meaningful, in-depth way in this podcast.”

“So often filmmakers are reduced to social-media soundbites. We want Nordic Film Talks to let filmmakers talk about their work in a more insightful way. The NFTVF supports so many great films, filmmakers, and talent initiatives, so they are the perfect partner to bring these filmmaking journeys to life in this new format.”

Liselott Forsman, CEO of Nordisk Film & TV Fond, says:

“We are very happy about partnering up with Wendy Mitchell on Nordic Film Talks. This spring NFTVF has renewed its news service, inviting Nordic and European journalists on board with an increase in subscription numbers and viewing as a result. In these challenging economic times, a special focus has been on industry strategies, but we also want to be an arena for strong Nordic voices, and the podcast adds perfectly to this ambition.”

“The sharing of Nordic working methods and philosophies, challenges and success stories is not only important for our readers and listeners of today, but also for future generations of peers, scholars, and others, who will seek first-hand and in-depth statements. Wendy has an impressing track record and an expert knowledge of the Nordic industry. A wide international distribution guarantees that her film dialogues are effectively shared.”

The Nordic Film Talks will be available for free on Nordisk Film & TV Fond’s website’s Industry Insight section (CLICK HERE) and distributed through major podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Amazon, Castbox, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Podchaser and JioSaavn.

To the first podcast: CLICK HERE.
To the second podcast: CLICK HERE.