Film producer Ellen Riis will take on her new position on February 1st, 2018, at the film school in Ebeltoft, Denmark, in replacement of Nadia Kløvedal Reich.

Ellen Riis has held various positions in the international film community, such as press officer at Nordisk Film, Head of Department at Deluca Film in Århus, and managing director at Basmati Film. Most recently she was lecturer and teaching coordinator at VIA University in Denmark.

Henning Camre, Chairman of the Bord at the European Film College said: ‘After four years as Principal, Nadia Kløvedal Reich has decided to seek new paths. She is leaving behind a film school, which has gone through a rapid development on all fronts – the student dorms and the technological equipment have been expanded and refurbished, the school rests on a strong financial situation, and it has a top tuned international faculty and a strong and competent practical staff at its disposal. I feel convinced that Ellen [Riis] will be capable of carrying on and expanding the solid foundation that she is taking over from Nadia Kløvedal Reich.’

The European Film College offers two types of courses: the main 8½-month film foundation programme (in English), and summer courses (in Danish). Former students include Joachim Trier and Nikolaj Arcel.