The black comedy penned by Bornedal has a strong cast consisting of this year’s three Robert awards winners Nicolas Bro (Men & Chicken), Ulrich Thomsen (Summer of ’92) and Lene Maria Christensen (The Legacy). Other cast members include Mia Lyhne, Søren Malling, UK actor Gwen Taylor and Polish actor Marcin Dorocinski. The story focuses on two friends who want to get rid of their wives and hire a Russian killer. But they underestimate the ladies and end up themselves on top of the hit list.
Miso Film co-founder and producer and Peter Bose (pictured) said: “It’s a great comedy with an edge and with the solid cast I believe the film will attract a lot of interest”. The DK 22 million project is co-produced by 4Fiction and Nordisk Film, with support from the Danish Film Institute, West Danish Film Fund and DR. TrustNordisk handles world sales.
Other Miso feature film projects include a sequel to the family film Iqbal Farooq and the Secret Recipe written again by Renée Toft Simonsen from Manu Sareen's popular children's books. The first film adaptation has sold nearly 190,000 tickets in Denmark and received a Robert award for Best Original Song.
TV Drama
On the TV drama front Freemantle Media majority owned Miso Film is preparing returning seasons of three premium dramas.
- Season two of the 8x45’ Norwegian series Acquitted created by Siv Rajendram Eliassen and Anna Bache-Wiig for TV2 Norway started filming on February 8. New secrets will be revealed about the seductive businessman Aksel Borgen (Nicolai Cleve Broch) and the death of his former girlfriend Karine Hansteen. Miso Film Norway is producing the NOK 60 million series pre-sold to SVT, MTV3, TV2 DK, RUV, Lumiere in Benelux, Walter Presents/Channel 4 in the UK, Sony Pay TV in Germany, Canal Plus in France. Season one was very successful in Norway with viewers averaging 829,000 for a 36% share as well as in Sweden with 935,000 average viewers and a 27% share.
- The third and most probably closing season of the Danish crime show Dicte created by Dorte W. Høgh and Ida Maria Rydén is currently filming for TV2 Denmark. Søren Malling and Stine Stengade have joined the cast lead by Iben Hjejle, aka investigative journalist Dicte Svendsen. Broadcasting partners include TV4 Sweden, TV2 Norway, YLE and RUV.
- Season two of the Swedish crime show Modus created by Mai Brostrøm and Peter Thorsboe is expected to be greenlit early spring according to Bose, with confirmed partners including TV4 Sweden, TV 2 Norway, and ZDF. “Season one has been a huge hit for TV4 Sweden that almost doubled its viewers on their 21.00 Wednesday slot,” says Bose who anticipates the new season to start filming next year.The inaugural season kick started on TV2 Norway in December with 541.000 viewers and is still playing strongly.
Freemantle Media International is handling international sales of all three shows.