The Swedish director Simon Klose celebrated the world premiere and top prize of his documentary in New York.

The Tribeca Film Festival concluded last night with several wins for the Nordic region. The top honor of Best Documentary Feature went to Simon Klose’s documentary Hacking Hate, which is a co-production between Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, and supported by Nordisk Film & TV Fond. The film is produced by Elin Kamlert for Nonami.

The jury statement reads: "The documentary jury awards a film that bravely and fearlessly investigates the misuse of the internet to encourage hate and bias by allowing media giants to profit and foster the continuation of the outrage. On trial are First Amendment freedoms that have been violated for profit."

The other Nordic productions/co-productions that were recognized at the festival:

  • Best International Narrative Feature: Bikechess by Assel Aushakimova (France/Kazakhstan/Norway)
  • Special Jury Mention for Animated Short: Budō by Amanda Aagard and Alexander Toma (Sweden)
  • Special Jury Mention for Documentary Feature: Made in Ethiopia by Xinyan Yu and Max Duncan (United States/Canada/Ethiopia/Denmark/Korea/United Kingdom)
  • Special Jury Mention for International Narrative Feature: Samia by Yasemin Samdereli (Italy/Germany/Belgium/Sweden)

To read more about the Nordics at Tribeca: CLICK HERE.