Nordic producers are invited to apply for the 2025 edition of Young Nordic Producers Club at the Cannes Film Festival.

The 14th Young Nordic Producers Club (YNPC) will take place in Cannes May 15-18.

Led by Noemi Ferrer Schwenk, founder of film consultancy Yes & Noe, and Tina í Dali Wagner, founder of Filmgreb, YNPC focuses on all possible aspects of co-production guided by industry professionals specialised in production, distribution, sales, international strategy, marketing and festival distribution. The programme also provides networking opportunities to connect with Nordic colleagues and find co-production partners.

Who can apply?

Producers from all Nordic countries, whether from established companies or newly founded ones.

24 participants will be selected.

What does it cost?

The participant fee is 195€.

Participants are responsible for arranging and covering costs of travel and accommodation.

How to apply?

Send your application to including:

  • Name, address and contact info
  • CV and company
  • Short motivation letter
  • Your ranking of the following statements in order of importance:

    - My primary interest lies in financing and co-production
    - My primary interest lies in distribution and sales
    - My primary interest lies in development and content

Application deadline is March 14th at 2pm CET.

    Young Nordic Producers Club is supported by Nordisk Film & TV Fond, the Danish Film Institute, the Swedish Film Institute, the Norwegian Film Institute, the Icelandic Film Centre, the Finnish Film Foundation, Creative Europe Nordic desks and Nordisk Film.