Based on Filip Alexanderson’s novel Förstfödd, Hidden blends the paranormal with psycho-thriller and realistic drama. Set in modern-day Stockholm, we follow the Hidden people, who live among normal human beings, but have enhanced abilities. Each has had their superpowers revealed to them after suffering a trauma.

Former James Bond girl Izabella Scorupco plays Viveca Eldh a former police officer turned Hidden ‘guardian angel’, whose role is to protect the members of her community. When Jonas Hellemyr (played by Das Boot’s German/Swedish actor August Wittgenstein) finds out about his own superpowers and gets into trouble, Viveca comes to the rescue.

Other cast members include Pia Tjelta (Blind Spot) and Alexander Willaume (Tomb Raider). The eight-part TV show was adapted for the screen by Björn Paqualin (Occupied) and concept director Jonathan Sjöberg (Black Lake). The co-directors are David Berron (The Lawyer) and Daniel di Grado (Farang). Hidden is produced by Berna Levin of Yellow Bird UK for NENT Group’s streaming service Viaplay, in cooperation with Tele München Gruppe, Lumière and Banijay Rights. Banijay handles global distribution.

Izabella, what attract you to Hidden and at what stage did you board the series?
Izabella Scorupco
: I was one of the first to be approached and read Filip Alexanderson’s book at the same time as I went through the script. I always believe that when something big happens it’s meant to happen and this was the case here. At the time, I was taking my daughter to college [Berkeley, California] and was struck by the number of homeless people. I felt sad for them and deep empathy, then I got the script for Hidden, which deals with people who’ve suffered traumas and live like outcasts. They just try to survive. For me that was a strange coincidence. 

Could you describe your character?
The show is set in modern-day Stockholm. We see people, looking like us, but who happen to have super powers. After having suffered from traumatic experiences they were chosen, given new enhanced abilities, and welcomed into this hidden community, with other people who have lived maybe for 250 years. My own character is about 75 years-old and has also gone through tough times, in her previous life as a cop. Now she is part of the hidden world and as one of the strongest ones, helps others in her community.

Berna in what way does Hidden stand out from other sci-fi/supernatural shows with superheroes?
Berna Levin:
It’s not a superhero story, not X-men or anything like that. The super powers are secondary. Hidden is really about being an outsider and not fitting in. It’s about survival of the weakest. In the series the central character [played by August Wittgenstein] is a seemingly ordinary young man, who one day discovers that he’s not ordinary. Our twist is that we create a mythological universe and make sure it is grounded, so that if you google stuff, there is a theoretical possibility that these human species could exist.

Basically in the series, the premise is that when first human species were created, the ‘Hidden’ were sub-species, with certain abilities that were enhanced. But when humans started threatening them, because of their differences, the Hidden wandered up to the North where they had the ice age to hide. When the ice melted, they started migrating and eventually became part of society-or not, blending with humans. In the series, the Hidden have their own rules. The key is not to be discovered by humans.

They are not out to take over the world. They just want to survive, by remaining hidden.

Was the author Filip Alexanderson involved in the writing process?
Usually we commission a screenplay and the authors let the screenwriters take ownership of the project. Here, because of the back story and enormous research around the mythology and universe, I deliberately asked Filip Alexanderson to take part in the writers’ room.

Isabella, how did you prepare for your part?
I had to do some boxing and trained for about three months. I loved it, using every little muscle I didn’t know I had. I continue boxing today.

How was your experience of working on your first TV show?
I had an amazing experience. Sometimes we had two directors the same day; one would shoot a scene and another scene would be with the other director. You had to trust them as you had little time to prepare and reflect on your own character. It was very refreshing. Perhaps in terms of hours and intensity it was a bit tough, but everything else was a pleasure and we had a fantastic professional crew.

Berna, how was your cooperation with your financial partners?
BL: I can tell in all honesty that this is among the easiest dramas I’ve ever done. It was financed within six months. Our partners could sense that we wanted to do something unique, to take the Scandi noir in a different direction. I said we will dare, take new and fresher talent, who might not have the longest CVs but were passionate. Having Isabella made everything faster, as well as August Wittgenstein. He’s worked a lot in Germany, he’s German/Swedish and incredibly talented. Somehow it all created the perfect storm. Viaplay came on board immediately after the verbal pitch, then Banijay and TMG.

Isabella, what do you think of the international crave for Nordic drama? Are you personally a big TV drama fan?
There are incredible new opportunities for actors. It’s wonderful to see how TV shows have become the new feature. We tend to binge watch instead of going to a movie theatre. It’s a bit sad, but that’s what people do. It turns us into insomniacs, but it’s amazing.

Would you be interested in taking part in the shaping of the show, as co-writer or director?
IS: I don’t think I would dare. A lot of actresses want to direct, but I love working with directors that I trust.

Will there be a season 2 of Hidden?
The writers are developing a new season. I’d like the story to open up on political issues. We’re also thinking of a spin-off, a Hidden UK, with characters hidden not only in Sweden but also in the UK…Anything is possible around that universe.