The film tells the story of two isolated teenagers, seeking endless escapes from a society that has alienated them. The girl, an attractive extrovert and the boy, a stuttering introvert meet in a juvenile detention center. When the boy becomes infatuated with the girl it takes little effort to encourage him to run away with her. They steal a car and go on the run, beginning a journey into drugs, sex and endless escapes.
Jury motivation: A gripping coming-of-age drama, a thrilling road movie, a drug-induced fantasy and then some! Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää's They Have Escaped flirts with genre characteristics only to rise above their respective dynamics and to metamorphose into an expressionistic, no holds barred adult fairytale. The exquisite cinematography combined with a thoughtful, multifaceted soundtrack adds to film's strong, dreamlike ambiance.
Jury members: Jaana Puskala, Outi Heiskanen, Harri Römpötti
For full production notes and high res photos of director, producer and poster see Press Kit. The information is available in the Nordic languages and English.