In collaboration with Oslo Series Days/NRK, Göteborg Film Festival and the City of Helsinki.
Nordic Script 2024 - 2025
Are you looking for new angles to your own writing or to script writing in general? Are you eager to learn more from other Nordic and international professionals? Are you interested in a year-long networking with Nordic peers?
Nordic Script is a unique opportunity for Nordic scriptwriters and commissioners/story editors/producers to hone their skills under mentorship guidance. The mentors are Margrete Soug Kåset, Maria Clauss, and Anton Breum.
Nordic Script participants develop their stories during the lab from September 2024 to June 2025. The initiative also offers extraordinary possibilities to network with Nordic peers, and meeting prominent international guest speakers at prominent industry events in the lab cities.
This year, all feature film and series formats are welcome. A focus will be put on projects with potential to become Nordic co-productions.